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April Super Hearts Treasury

SH 16-04

For the moment, this is what the April Super Hearts Treasury looks like. Check again at the end of the month. It’ll look completely different.

This month we had plenty of APCteam members to choose from. There was a certain amount of closing the eyes and pointing. The exception is the top row.

Blossomviolet Crafts would not normally qualify to be in the treasury at all because she’s been in them too frequently. I made an exception this time because she went out of her way to comment on the March treasury, and happens to be the APCteam’s featured shop. You’ll be seeing my post on that soon.

I am not committing to putting the Shop of the Month in the Super Hearts Treasury every month. I’m just thinking about it. šŸ™‚

Effervescent Hedgepig took the first square by doing a fantastic job of supporting the March Super Hearts Treasury. Thank you Effervescent!

From there the teams were ranked by row for their enthusiasm. All of them passed through the consideration of all the A Promotion Commotion team leaders. Most of them are new to me.

I will be unable to make the May Super Hearts Treasury due to a lack of time. Luckily we have plenty of other team leaders to rely on. Graciela Gacek will be making the treasury in my place. Although my posts are likely to run late, I will be promoting the treasury like always.

If you feel someone should have been included in this treasury and was overlooked, let me know! I’m always willing to argue the point and will make accommodations if you can convince me.

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