This month the treasury came very close to filling without repeating people. I held off for a couple of days after going through the Treasured Treasury thread in search of people who qualified in the hopes of filling the treasury with all new people, but activity was too low.
Per usual, the people who were in the previous month ended up on the bottom row this time simply because I want to give as many people a chance to be in it as I can. As to which people I repeated – it was pretty random. I tossed them in as I stumbled across them.
Sarah Rajkotwala of Sarah Rajkotwala Artist shop easily took the top left spot by her generous and enthusiastic participation in the Treasured Treasury thread. Not only did she go a round without promoting her own treasury, she promoted more than what was required when she did have one. Thumbs up, Sarah!
Margie Sarrao and Chad Stratton were both recommended by APC Team leader Christy Marquis.
Everyone else pretty much landed where their amount of participation in Treasured Treasuries put them. It was quite easy to work out this time.
For November I hope to see a bit more participation all the way around.
Changed out at 9:34 pm 10/12
Changed out at 12:49 pm 10/16
Changed out at 9:00 pm on 10/20