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Super Hearts in October

SuperHearts1409 The first ever Super Hearts treasury has done reasonably well, but, as I said before, I think it could do even better. I think the key is to get the whole team behind it. I’m still not sure how to accomplish that, but I think I know where to start.

I think it will have to be a rule that you have to leave a comment on the previous month’s treasury to be eligible for the current one. That is going to have to be basic. I might as well start with the current month. After all, I couldn’t do it before because there wasn’t a previous treasury. 😉 This is the perfect time.

I was originally planning to announce the few rules for the treasury at the bottom of the Hundred Hearts threads, but in the Treasured Treasuries thread I said anyone who participated there would be eligible. It went over like a lead balloon. Still, I’ll honor the offer.

I’d like to include people who are active in other parts of the team, too. I’m not active enough in most of the other threads to do a good job, though, so I’ll have to leave it to Sandra to pick people.

So… how to I portion out the treasury? I think at least half should go to people who fully participate in the Hundred Hearts threads. I’d originally planned on only putting those people into the treasury, but I want to set up rules that will allow for others.

I guess I could change them as I go. And I could still make the announcements there.

So… how about this:

1. You must comment on the previous treasury. (link to treasury)

2. You must participate in either the hundred hearts or the Treasured Treasury threads and follow all the rules in either.

3. You must not have been in the previous treasury. (Yeah,. I’m iffy about this one, but there it is. Maybe I’ll add it when I can be sure of participation. I’d still let people go every other one anyway.)

4. First-come-first serve. I’ll eliminating those who did not follow the rules until I get 16. I’ll probably start with Treasured Treasuries because that’s easy. Unless it suddenly takes off. If that’s the case, I’ll have to give half the slots to Treasured Treasuries and half to Hundred Hearts. 🙂 Anyone who does both will get preferential placement. Going the extra mile to promote the previous month’s Super Hearts should also get preferential placement. Well, we’ll see how it goes.

I’m NOT going to rotate the listings, though, because Etsy dropped the treasury in the hotness charts when I did it on the current one. We’re trying to maximize the impact, not minimize it.

Maybe I should put this in a separate announcement? I could make it a general directory thread with a title like Super Hearts and other treasuries for October. Then people could do a dump and run of their treasuries and I could also link to some of the unpinned treasury oriented threads.

Or not.

I need to make a decision soon. The next one goes into the making in 3 days, when I’m done promoting the first one. Or sooner if I make the announcement in the next round of Hundred Hearts.

1 comment to Super Hearts in October

  • Cris

    BTW – I absolutely love it when people spontaneously heart an entire page of my shop. I don’t do the games where you are supposed to heart someone’s page to get one of yours done, so I know it’s unsolicited. If you do it, I will most definitely swing by your shop and do some favoring, too.

    However, this will not in any way improve your odds or position for the Super Hearts Treasury. Only by favoring everyone in the Hundred Hearts thread, being active in the Treasured Treasury thread, and/or having been active in previous Hundred Hearts threads can you get into or get a better position in the Super Hearts Treasury.

    This is for the team, right? Please be team-minded about it.

    Just saying.

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